Corporate Award Nomination

This award recognises the organisation that is doing the most to support and nurture young women within their workforce.

We believe that the UK economy and society will benefit from the fuller realisation of the talents of younger women. Too many obstacles still prevent younger women from achieving their goals.

The Women of the Future Corporate Award seeks to identify organisations that are:

  1. Clearly and demonstrably committed to realising the talents of the younger women within their workforce
  2. Showing innovation in how they enable their younger women to fulfil their objectives
  3. Engaged in the wider public debate about the role of younger women in society
  4. Committed to positive social change that will enable younger women to prosper

This award is open to a corporate organisation.

If you have any problems uploading your nomination please contact [email protected].

Nominee Details

Must be a valid email address.

Must be a valid United Kingdom postcode.

Main Submission


We would suggest including the following supporting material with your entry:

Marketing materials, press, testimonials from clients & colleagues, information on schemes (training and development schemes, maternity benefits, flexible working, recent external awards/recognition, public/social outreach) & networks within the organisation. Recommend a maximum of 50 pages

⚠️ The judges will not be able to access links on your uploaded PDF documents.

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I confirm that I am the person submitting this entry, and that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information provided in this application is true and complete. I have included all the information specified in the checklist above. As the representative of the organization above, I confirm that I have received the required internal consent to submit this nomination prior to the submission of this form and that I have permission to share the details and documents I included. I understand that the information from my application (including any photographs) may be used for press and publicity purposes unless non-publicly available financials and other confidential documents have been clearly marked as such.
Women of the Future Ltd will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide updates and marketing. Please confirm you are happy for us to do so. You can change your mind at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in the footer of any email you receive from us, or by contacting us at [email protected].